Microsoft OneDrive boosts file size limit 25 GB to 1 TB.

Microsoft OneDrive boosts file size limit 25 GB to 1 TB.

About Microsoft OneDrive we recently heard nothing but good news that may convince users that just OneDrive is the right cloud. Already during summer holidays Microsoft increased storage size for users of Office 365 of the 25 GB to 1 TB overwhelming, which then became really advantageous cost. Now comes another new and that is that Microsoft has increased the maximum file upload size from 2 gigabytes to 10 gigabytes Article 
This change may accept with open arms especially owners of Xbox One, because Microsoft in recent days issued an update that adds support for MKV files and thus for movies in HD or Full HD quality. Company so obviously envisages that people purchased alongside the Xbox One package Office 365, which not only gives users access to the latest version of Office for PC, Mac and iPad tablets, but also gives them mentioned 1 TB storage. In practice, Microsoft solved streaming downloaded movies on his own, even though there is still a need to reckon with the fact that films should be recorded on the cloud - and thus recording Full HD movies with a size of 10 gigabytes can be a matter for the whole night.

In addition to the above referred changes may also be users on Windows and Mac enjoy that will increase the number of simultaneously downloaded or uploaded files. Finally, users should expect a new feature that will instantly upload files to OneDrive. This occurs just as it is now possible for Dropbox, so just click on any file that the user has stored on your computer, right-mouse button in the menu that appeared, just click on the "Share OneDrive link". This button automatically upload files to OneDrive while the user generates a link to download the file, which can then share it himself.
