Windows TH | The official name of the new version of Windows called Windows TH ?

Although we have to wait until next week to know the next generation of Windows and its flagship product named Microsoft's own hand, but it seems a little lost patience. Some foreign media at the official website of Microsoft Windows Technical Preview page to see the name of the next generation of Windows systems - Windows TH. In addition, the page also offers this system introduces the download button and related information link. Of course, these links now no unusable.
'Windows TH' name accidentally revealed on Microsoft's preview site.

Windows TH
Windows TH

In addition, the page also mentions an "internal preview" project. Microsoft seems to intend to update the preview by providing users build more feedback, thereby strengthening the system. Like with the above, this link is also just decoration.
Maybe Windows TH internal company use only code, how true or false, the only other Microsoft officially announced the know.

More Article: 1. Microsoft accidentally reveals ‘Windows TH’ name on preview site.
                       2. Microsoft slips 'Windows TH' name onto new technical preview site. 
