Chinese government to promote the localization of the Chinese operating system, year after year to replace 15% of Windows systems.

Chinese operating system localization of the main promoters of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Ni Guangnan has revealed that the Chinese government will gradually tend to domestic procurement in the operating system vendor to replace Microsoft's Windows 8 system, while the Chinese government will launch a series of policies to support Chinese Operating system vendors develop, hoping to replace 15 percent annual rate, the localization of the operating system to complete the process.

Chinese operating system
Chinese operating system
April 2014, Microsoft Windows XP operating system to stop technical support, the system still has two hundred million users in China, including some government departments, to network security situation is increasingly grim, the Chinese government hopes to take this opportunity to promote the operating system of domestic technology. According to Ni Guangnan revealed that China has about 15 operating system research and development company engaged in R & D strength and size of the company and Microsoft gap is very large, it is desirable to quickly build the ecosystem, companies jointly constitute the industrial alliance together to develop applications, and providing technical and services.

August 2014, the Chinese government announced procurement of IT products among the list of 2014, including the SPGnux and Deep, unicorn, and other Chinese-made operating system, Alibaba's subsidiary Ali cloud operating system also list.

Government agencies with domestic operating system has risen, the most affected is Microsoft, although Chinese operating system vendors still in its infancy, the quantity and quality of software services is difficult to compete with Microsoft, faced only needs government agencies to develop special applications Scene of the program, for the alternative Windows systems it is possible to achieve.
