LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said: LinkedIn to get everyone to find a job.

A total of 600 million global knowledge-based workers, five percent is LinkedIn job search social networking users, the LinkedIn's CEO Jeff Weiner said in an interview, said, LinkedIn is not just let these 300 million users to find work, but for all job seekers get it, the goal is to create a connection LinkedIn seekers, businesses, schools of economic map.

LinkedIn Jobs

Economic spectrum Jeff Weiner mentioned include the personal information of workers worldwide 3 billion, 7,000 million businesses post information, unlike Facebook, Twitter kind of social users, LinkedIn user is actually linked to the personal data of a huge The virtual labor market, if the background qualifications, skills, job seekers are able to advantage in a standardized way to present the efficiency of the entire job recruitment will be significantly improved.

LinkedIn's development direction is to create a highly transparent, information symmetry social platform, while the user data through statistical finishing the job, training for school personnel to provide reference information.

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner
LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner
Jeff Weiner believes that technological innovation faster than the speed of personnel training, many talented people missed by technological innovation development opportunities, which is currently the biggest problem facing the human resources market, personnel training behind the technology and industry update rate. LinkedIn proposed to adjust the economic map of the secondary higher education courses, training more personnel to adapt to technological development.
Source: LinkedIn 
