Twitter CEO will leave in 2015. Good chance Twitter CEO leaves next year.

Good chance Twitter CEO leaves next yearDecember 22, 2014 Sun Trust analyst Rober Peck said in a report, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo company is likely to leave within a year, the company's core management personnel changes will impact on the entire company's operations, investors apparently Twitter I hope to see this change, Dick Costolo leaving a Twitter rumor day stock price rose 4 percent last year, the company's share price has fallen by five percent.

Dick Costolo
Dick Costolo
Listed on the NYSE since November 7, 2013, Twitter in the number of users grow and expand the revenue side in trouble, even though the site repeatedly revised and launched a new advertising business, it is still difficult to obtain a stable source of profit, At the same time the number of monthly active Twitter users are beyond the picture of social Instagram. When Twitter IPO issue price of $ 45.1, on December 26, 2013 rose to the highest point of $ 73.31, after the stock price continued to dive, May 27, 2014 fell to $ 30.51, since October 2014, Twitter has continued downward, In CEO Dick Costolo is likely to leave a message in the coming year, Twitter shares rose 4 percent, to close at $ 38.43.
