Close Yahoo Beijing R&D center.

March 18, 2015 Yahoo publishing company, according to the notice Yahoo Beijing R&D center will be officially closed, and more than 300 employees, most of it is cut off, the R&D Center was responsible for the Yahoo instant, Flickr, cloud services, products, and is currently engaged in advertising, search for business research and development. 

Yahoo Beijing R&D center

Since Marissa Mayer stay Yahoo, external and acquisition of new companies and new business, and to streamline the existing business and layoffs, in order to lower the cost of operations. March 18, 2015 Yahoo Beijing R&D Center officially closed, and confirmed that the former Yahoo china to mass layoffs, Yahoo Beijing R&D center was established in June 2009, the United States Yahoo Headquarters direct management, is responsible for the global use of products and services R&D work, the Center is responsible for Yahoo instant, Flickr, cloud-based services, and other important products, as Yahoo's main business recession, 

Yahoo Beijing research and development center for major work, was transferred to the page advertising, search for business. Yahoo Beijing Research Center team of approximately 350 employees, of which about 85 per cent of the employees have master's degree or above, and nearly 5 per cent are from China's top 10 universities, and 20 per cent of the employees have overseas education background, and have a network company trying to Yahoo employees into the command.
