Why I Love Internet.org

We’ve been afterward with abundant interest, the Facebook-led action to advance admission to Internet for the developing world. Alongside Qualcomm, Opera, Samsung, and others, Aggregation Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is arch the allegation on Internet.org, a “global affiliation amid technology leaders, nonprofits, bounded communities and experts who are alive calm to accompany the Internet to the two-thirds of the world’s citizenry that doesn’t accept it.” That’s music to our aerial actuality at Connectify. Our aggregation is amorous about creating apps that get users and their accessories online with fast and reliable Internet admission no amount area they are.

When we launched the aboriginal beta of Connectify Hotspot in 2009, we had no abstraction that our able little software router would become a buoy for so abounding users about the world. Early on, we were captivated to apprehend from business travelers and tech enthusiasts who wrote to acquaint us that Connectify Hotspot had become an basal allotment of their circadian lives. As time went on, we began accepting added and added emails from association active and alive in developing countries, area the arduous assurance on our articles has absolutely adapted how we anticipate and accomplish actuality at Connectify.

Just the added day, I accustomed a bulletin from a British aid artisan in West Africa whose annual about our software accepting acclimated all those bags of afar abroad was agitating to say the least. Here’s a abbreviate extract from him email:

I apprehend from Hotspot users like this added generally than I can calculation these days. But, even our new Speedify technology is starting to acquisition its way to those users who charge it most.

Speedify is an easy-to-use approach bonding belvedere that lets users amalgamate assorted Wi-Fi, 3G/4G, DSL, and any added accessible networks to actualize one faster and added reliable Internet connection. While Speedify may not action a abundant amount hypothesis for those of you that are account this column beyond a gigabit Google Fiber affiliation in Kansas City, we accept that the Speedify technology can change the lives of the added 5 billion humans about the apple that accept bound admission to accelerated Internet. Since ablution Speedify endure year, users from all over the apple accept accomplished out to acquaint us that accepting able to calmly accumulated two or added apathetic Internet admission into one faster and added abiding Internet hotlink has had a trans formative appulse on their lives. It’s account acquainted that this acknowledgment isn’t just advancing from the extreme alcove of the developing world. Association from rural communities appropriate actuality in the US are disturbing to break connected, too. In a contempo survey, one Speedify user wrote that he alone has admission to, “spotty digital Internet account at home, and appropriately blotchy corpuscle buzz abstracts service,” but by accepting able to amalgamate the two with Speedify, he’s now able to adore added constant Internet access.

Ultimately, even with a rapidly growing user-base in over 230 countries, our ability actuality at Connectify is a drop-in-the-bucket compared to our compatriots over at Facebook. And, while the Internet.org whitepaper outlines capital account accompanying to ability of abstracts supply and arrangement achievement that will acutely appulse whether the alignment can accommodated its goals, we accept that the Connectify technology is arena an important role in accepting those underserved locations of the apple absolutely connected, too.

A apple with a few 3G cards and Speedify doesn’t accept to delay years for approved broadband admission to arrive. Each laptop active Connectify Hotspot agency Internet admission for the abundant computers and adaptable accessories about it. All of our solutions are software-only, and that makes them abundant easier to deploy. At Connectify, we are aflame about Internet.org and its abiding goals. For our part, we accept developed, and will abide developing software that makes a aberration in the mission to accommodate fast, cost-effective, and reliable connectivity to everyone.
