Facebook advertising revenue for the first time surpassed the United States overseas market.

Facebook earns 51 percent of ads revenue overseas. Facebook Reuters quoted company executives said the first quarter of 2015, Facebook advertising revenue in overseas markets accounted for 51%, for the first time surpassed the United States domestic market advertising revenue, advertising revenue growth rate among Asian market reached 57%, from China and India, the number of customers is an important reason for the rapid growth of Facebook in Asia to enhance revenue.

Facebook advertising revenue
Facebook advertising revenue

Facebook company first disclosed in overseas markets advertising business and marketing campaign to the media, before Facebook will open the market to grow revenue situation of each region, Facebook advertising revenue in the first quarter 2015 was $ 3.3 billion, growing 46% over the same period in 2014, accounting for 94% of the company's total revenue, 51% of the advertising revenue from overseas markets (except the US and Canada), the overseas market advertising revenue growth of 36 percent over the same period in 2014, the Asia-Pacific region where advertising growth stimulating Facebook an important force in the growth of revenue.

Although Facebook was unable to market in China, there is no doubt more and more Chinese companies choose Facebook advertising, according to Dan Neary Facebook vice president, Asia Pacific, China for overseas companies in the marketing, more and more attention to the company's brand of publicity, marketing Budget is also higher than in the past, Facebook currently has offices in Hong Kong to deal with China's ad business, but forward the issue for the Chinese market, there is still no progress.

A large number of venture capital into the Indian market, the number of new companies rose also pushed Facebook's advertising revenue in the region, particularly the rise of e-commerce in the Indian market, so this area start-ups are put in a lot of advertising platform Facebook budget.
