Google introduced a new version of the Chrome Web Store and Chrome OS.

With the highly anticipated news conference Google has brought what was hoped - Chrome notebooks, Chrome Web Store and the announcement of 120 million users of Chrome browser - the waiting newer and faster version.

Google Chrome browser will be even faster ...

The number of users of Google Chrome browser during this year tripled (and Net Applications reports that Chrome is approaching 10% share ), Google reported 120 million users (at the beginning of the year it was 40 million). The new version of Google Chrome offers Instant to "address bar" - search results and web pages will appear continuously. Change has also affected the V8 JavaScript engine in Chrome - Google states that the complex JavaScript programs should run up to twice as fast - would take care of it was new JS engine named Crankshaft.

The new Chrome users will get "early", those who use the Early Access Channel can theoretically try everything now.
Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome browser is now fully usable browser that can seamlessly replace Internet Explorer, FireFox or any other browser that you use - it is still preferable that the speed of execution and the actual terms of speed, a sufficient number of plug-ins (add-ons) will also enable much of what previously was the main advantages of Firefox.

Compared with the first versions, of course, it is not so "small" and so "fast" as he once was - but it is still a good alternative. And if you use services from Google, you may want to think about that now Chrome is used especially for these services. And others, your favorite, served browser for everything else.

"New" Chrome it a certain way so the "power" will have a new - especially if you are using a "beta" channel. Google Instant is a real novelty, built-in PDF viewer and support for WebGL so it is not big news. Faster JavaScript (Google about it at the conference said that is 100 times faster than IE two years ago) is obviously good news.

Google Chrome browser Web Store

From today begins to function Chrome Web Store - the beginning should already offer the first application, and Google is expected to grow. The Czech's bad news - Chrome Web Store is only available in the US . Extension to other countries will depend on the classically ... payment options. Free applications are available for the Chrome Web Store available without restriction.

Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome browser

If you use Apple AppStore, Nokia OVI and Google Android, not with the concept Chrome Web Store have a problem - a simple Web application, looking at the ratios Google "relatively modern" and in her application - the price a few dollars, just click "buy and install" applications They can of course be offered for free.

If you want to see what they look like the New York Times for Google Chrome - try
