Apple Pay to join American Express, advancing five regions, including Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada.

Since its inception in October 2014, Apple Pay continuing to strengthen regional promotion, following the July of this year to enter the UK, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the launch of Apple Pay services in five regions of Australia, Canada, Spain, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Apple Pay to join American Express
Apple Pay to join American Express

The two subsequent VISA and MASTER credit card organization, American Express is also actively cooperate with Apple Pay, American Express mobile products and Tony Prentice, vice president of pay, said: "With our size in the global market, we can quickly to Members of these countries provide Apple Pay service. We believe that with Apple on the front lines to provide our members such innovative payment solutions that are very important, and we are honored to provide such services through Apple Pay. "

Apple Pay at American Express's help, announced that it will enter Australia and Canada before the end of this year, while Spain, Singapore and Hong Kong, plans to launch in 2016. As for Taiwan, ah, we have to pay treasure.

Further reading:

  1. Only 1 percent of market share Apple Pay to find reinforcements, Starbucks and KFC will be stationed in the United States
  2. Google one step ahead of Apple, Apple Pay can be used in China
  3. Alipay into Taiwan! Free-for mainland tourists to Taiwan NT, department stores, night market directly Alipay checkout
