Know Your Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP) HTML

Ever hear Accelerated Mobile Pages ? Backward a month Google released the new project namely AMP HTML . AMP Accelerated Mobile HTML or HTML Pages is a web structure that minimizes the use of JavaScript, CSS and HTML. The vision of AMP HTML is that webmasters could design web pages loading quickly, without a lot of JS or other influences . AMPHTML prioritize the Mobile Web. For CSS no change whatsoever, to HTML there are slightly different structure in writing, such as tag img or video into amp-img and amp-video . To render fast, we have to use AMP JavaScript Library that will render page and displays video, images, iframes and others with asynchronous. It is obligatory presence in AMP HTML is:
  • Starts with <! Doctype html>
  • Include the <html ⚡> or <html amp> .
  • Include a <link rel = "canonical" href = "$ SOME_URL" /> , in the head tag to determine the AMP version of HTML.
  • Include a <meta charset = "utf-8"> .
  • Include a <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, minimum-scale = 1"> in the head tag.
  • Attaching JavaScript Library AMP <script async src = ""> </ script> tag in the head.
  • Include a <style> body {opacity: 0} </ style> <noscript> <style> body {opacity: 1} </ style> </ noscript> tag in the head.

So an example of basic HTML HTML AMP or less like this:
<! doctype html> 
< html  amp  lang = "en" > 
  < head > 
    < meta  charset = "utf-8" > 
    < title > Hello, AMPs </ title > 
    < link  rel = "canonical"  href = "" /> 
    < meta  name = "viewport"  content = "width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no,minimal-ui" > 
    < script  type = "application/ld+json" >
        "@context" : "" ,
         "@type" : "NewsArticle" ,
         "headline" : "Open-source framework for publishing content" ,
         "DatePublished" : "2015-10-07T12: 02 : 41Z " ,
         " image " : [
           " logo.jpg "
    </ script > 
    < style > body  { opacity : 0 }  </ style > < noscript > < style > body  { opacity : 1 }  </ style > </ noscript > 
    < script  async  src = "" ></ Script > 
  </ head > 
  < body > 
    < h1 > Welcome to the mobile web </ h1 > 
  </ body > 
</ html >

 Some things to watch

In making AMP web-based HTML, in addition to the above there are some things that must be considered include:

There should not be two tags <style> , if there is additional then use <style amp-custom> , and even then only one is allowed.
Should not create inline CSS like <aside class = 'sidebar' style = 'margin-top: 0; padding: 10px "> .
The script should be external and using async .
Scripts are not allowed to use the attribute type = 'text / javascript'
As above, may not use tag img but had to amp-img

That's what I remember, I'll add when there are other rules that have not been written.

Can Blogspot using HTML AMP?

Can. With great difficulty, I tried to make blogspot HTML-based AMP and finally succeeded. For further tutorial use HTML AMP, I will try to explain in a blog that I have created with HTML AMP basis. Visit: Still confused with AMP HTML? We both learned yu sob ... 
